Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dear Future Self...

Dear Maya

If you are reading this chances are that you have survived the last couple weeks of College Street Normal school. I am about to remind you about how learning worked in 2016. 

In your class there were 60 children and one computer or ipad per person. I wonder what technology you are using now… Oh well I guess you had to wait and see. 

Right now you are sitting next to Zahra and or course writing to you. I hope you are still in touch with some of your old friends like Juliette, Shaniqua, Dorothy, Reem, Zahra etc. They have all helped you heaps this year in Gri11 2.0.

Open mic was really fun, don’t you remember? Oh yeah i forgot what bad memory you have. I guess I will have to remind you, Open mic was when you and couple other children from college street went to central baptist church to perform a solo. This happened every mouth but you were away for a lot of them.

So that was how you lived… I wonder what my reaction to is will be...

Monday, November 14, 2016

Cultural Festival Food

Image result for stuffed grape leaves
   In Gri11 2.0 have been learning about cultural diversity so we are hosting a cultural festival with many types of food from around the world to show people how many different options there really are in terms of food from around the world. My group and I are making stuffed grape leaves. These tasty Arabic snacks can come with many kinds of fillings, some have meat and some are vegetarian. My group are making both so people get a chance to see how much variety is possible with this kind of food. We have made posters, labels and presentations about this food that we will be providing for the cultural festival. 

Here is a little snap of one of our presentations.