Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Poison Bite

This is a book I am working on called Poison Bite it will be updated every time I add a new chapter. Please enjoy!

Poison Bite

Chapter 1

Daisy stared out the window waiting for the storm to come to an end. Suddenly she saw a beam of light! “Mother!” Daisy called “The sun is out and the rain has stopped now can we go to the Zoo and see the baby animals?” She asked hopefully. “I guess that was the plan.” Her mother answered. “Just remember to take care of your brothers!”

Daisy is a 15 year girl with 2 brothers named Blaze and Jax. Blaze is 2 years old and Jax is 10. Daisy’s favorite color is pink so you only have to look at her clothes to know its her.

Daisy walked to the Zoo with her brothers,
Daisy Jax and Blaze were watching the giraffes when Jax asked to go see the snakes but not just any snakes... poisonous snakes! Daisy gave him a worried look and said “Ok but be careful”.

When Daisy got there with her brothers a zookeeper was feeding the snakes carefully. Jax wanted to take a closer look so they cautiously approached a huge brown snake with dark green stripes. Suddenly the snake jumped out of the glass cage and cornered Daisy! The snake charged at her with its Blade sharp teeth covered in venom! Daisy heard the words ringing in her head… Poison Bite, Poison Bite…

Daisy woke in the hospital with her family leaning over her. As soon as they realized she was awake they started rapidly throwing questions at her until the doctor asked them to give some peace and quiet. “How are you feeling?” The doctor asked. “I’m ok just a little bit dizzy.” she replied “In that case your mother can take you home tomorrow.” the doctor told her cheerfully.
Chapter 2

Daisy sat at the back of the car silently as her mother keep talking about how bad the zoo is.  As soon as they got home daisy locked herself in her room and tried to get  her thoughts straight. She stared at the scar on her arm from the bite, It started glowing green the same sort of green glow she saw right before she blacked out and woke up in hospital! Daisy started getting flashbacks and suddenly a long green snake appeared right in front of her. “Did I do that?” she asked herself but the snake was the one to reply “Yes.” it hissed “In fact you have been chosen to have the power to summon and communicate with us.” Daisy rubbed her eyes “This must be a dream!” The snake hissed a reply as it rolled its eyes “Well your not so deal with it and follow me.”

Daisy was still suspicious but she followed the snake without questioning it. The snake told her to shape shift into a snake so she could get through small gaps. “I can shape shift?” Daisy asked. “Of course.” The snake hissed. “ In fact all you have to do is stare at your scar and picture the snake you want to turn into!” Daisy stared at her scar as she did before and imagined herself as a light brown snake with dark brown stripes. Then just like before her scar started to glow and she closed her eyes. When she opened them again she couldn't feel her arms… She looked down and saw that she had no arms! She was brown and scaly just like the snake she imagined! “Great!” The other snake hissed. “By the way my name is Gerald the Green Stripe choose me to bring you to him.” Daisy looked confused “Who is the Green Stripe?” She asked. The snake replied in a mysterious tone. “You’ll see…”

To be continued...